Online Classes

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Online Classes

This group is created to support breathing (and eating) practice that helps us to breathe (and eat) properly and deepen the nurturing and healing aspect of breath. Breath is life and if our breathing habit is bad it impedes our life force and capacity to alive fully.

About Hamsa Integral Breathwork

Hamsa Integral Breathwork is one of the powerful processes to nourish our whole life that uses the breath to  heal , integrate and to awaken the multidimensional aspects of the human psyche. Based on ancient Eastern disciplines as well as modern Western methods, this integral holistic modality uses breathing techniques to create more Opening, Presence, Connection, Energy, and Space, Breath is a wonderful bridge to connect the entire inner and outer separation of human life into unified whole. This simple Way of nurturing whole life is a powerful modality with the ability to explore, release, expand and unify.