Breathwork Sessions and Prices

Individual and Multiple Breathwork Sessions and Prices

Breathwork Sessions

Individual session

Typically one session lasts for two hrs to two and half hours. With intake questions and observation of client’s breathing/movements and other physical-mental behavior, the Guide tries to sense who a client is in her/his inner and outer world. After 1/2 to 1 hours of conversation, breathing exercises, and somatic movements practices, the client is asked to lie down to breathe for 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes. Client is guided to do circular connected breathing.

Multiple Sessions

Generally to achieve deep result 10 sessions are recommended.

During 10 sessions period along with conscious connected breathwork some other technique such as yoga therapy, integral life practices/coaching, psycho synthesis, visualization and imagery and integral meditation are used synergistically.

Group sessions

Group sessions are a nice way to connect with others and enjoy breathing with like-minded people. It is less expensive if somebody cannot afford the price of Individual sessions. However it is not possible to go as deep as in individual session.

Breathwork Session Pricing

  • Individual Session: $150
  • Ten Sessions: $1100

Note: If your budget is tight, please feel free to contact us for information on payment plans, scholarships or other arrangements that can be made. We will always try to work with you.

Contact Briksha

For more information, you can use our Contact page to send a message to Briksha. Or, phone him at (415) 503-7802.